Friday, July 24, 2009

Red Letter Day

Well I haven't been on for awhile because I'm still waiting to get my slides back so I can share them with you. BUT I had a red letter day today. I went over to the survival school at lunch with a couple of friends because the Survival Reunion was having a BBQ there. I talked with survival instructors that I hadn't seen in thirty eight years. What really prompted me to go was that I was told that Butch Poe would be there. If you will recall I told you that he was one of the two that took pictures of my Fulton Recovery ride. He was there and we met and talked. I'm looking forward to communicating with him some more. I also talked with Bob Kerr, Crash Carnahan (might have misspelled that one. Sorry Crash), and Bubba Grindle. I think that I will make plans to be at the next reunion. I enjoyed talking to my old friends. My heart in full.
By for now.

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